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Sunshine Little Learners Programmes August 2024-2025

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Little Learners English and Maths Programme

Welcome to our Little Learners programme.

As teachers, it is our aim to offer your children a high quality professional service. The children are placed according to their competence. Our method therefore is tailored to the needs of the children. Our learning programmes offer not only reading and writing classes but also maths classes and are based on the British education systems.

Our literacy programme starts with Jolly Phonics and progressing on to the Cambridge course books. Developing numeracy is an important part of learning for children as it provides vital life skills. We offer therefore classes starting with basic maths skills of counting, shapes and patterns and then moving on to the Cambridge Maths Textbooks.

We expect our students to increase their level of English language proficiency and maths skills. Learners are regularly assessed and at the end of the academic year, a detailed report of each student progress will be sent home. If parents wish to meet with teachers this can be arranged.

We provide writing equipment, handbooks, workbooks, worksheets and an age-appropriate range of reading books covering all levels. All are kept in a school bag provided by us.

Phonics level 1
4 years +
Phonics level 2
5 years +
Cambridge stage 4
9 years +
2 years to 4 years
9am -12.30pm
Phonics level 1
4 years +
2pm- 5pm
Cambridge stage 2
7 years +
2pm- 5pm
Cambridge stage 5
10 years +
Parent and Toddler
10 am - 11.30 am
Maths Level 1 and 2
4+ - 6+ years
Maths Level 3+
7+ years
Phonics level 1
4 years +
2 PM - 5 PM
Motion and Melody
4 PM - 5 PM
Preschool/Drop In Service
3 years +
9 am- 1pm
Phonics level 2
5 years +
2pm- 5pm
Phonics level 3
6 years +
2pm- 5pm
Cambridge stage 4
9 years +
2 years to 4 years
9am- 12.30pm
Phonics level 3
6 years +
Cambridge stage 2
7 years +
Cambridge stage 3
8 years +
Phonics level 2
5 years +
Phonics level 3
6 years +
Cambridge stage 2
7 years+
Cambridge stage 2
8 years+
2 years to 4 years
Phonics level 1
4 years +
Phonics level 2
5 years +
Phonics level 3
6 years +

English Programme

Preschool : 2-4years

Preschool children are introduced to the alphabet using clear and fun activity sheets, with the aim of recognising letters and sounds to objects. Early tracing is used to promote early writing skills. A parent participation sheets is sent

home with the school bag.

English Programme

Phonic level 3 : 6+ years

Children are introduced to alternative spellings for certain phonemes. Reading

comprehension is also introduced, and they begin to write in sentences and

short pieces of text. A weekly spelling test is given. Expected reading level 8-

12 and reading fluently.

English Programme

Cambridge stage 4 : 9+ years

Children will continue to work with a range of texts, both fiction and nonfiction for a range of purposes such as a newspaper report. They are encouraged to recognize characters’ feelings and actions to deepen their understanding of stories. They can now write a story with interesting vocabulary and dialogue.

They will learn to organise their writing into paragraphs and use a wide range

of punctuation. More complex spellings, grammar and punctuation are taught, and they can choose a book from our library.

English Programme

Phonic level 1: 4-5 years

We follow the Jolly Phonics programme (sets 1 - 5) to teach children letter

sounds (phonemes) and linking them to written letters (graphemes) in order to

orally blend and segment CVC words. A separate reading programme is

introduced which includes high frequency words, word groups and Oxford Tree reading books. A weekly spelling test is introduced after set 5 is completed.

Expected reading level 1-3.

English Programme

Cambridge stage 2 : 7+ years

Children begin the Cambridge English Course, which delivers a structured

method of reading, writing, listening and speaking. They are introduced to

nonfiction as well as fiction material. They begin to write short texts about their

experiences. Grammar is taught and a weekly spelling test is given. They are

encouraged to read longer books.

English Programme

Cambridge stage 5 : 10+ years

Children will now be more familiar with a range of texts, both fiction and

nonfiction and read with increasing understanding. They are encouraged to

develop a fluent writing style and the ability to communicate ideas clearly and in an organised way. Learning to choose the right vocabulary and use a

consistent tense throughout their piece of writing is cultivated. They will also

write nonfiction with features such as headings and subheadings. Spellings,

grammar and punctuation continue to be an important part of the learning


English Programme

Phonic level 2 : 5-6 years

Children are taught tricky words and blending the high frequency words

alongside the phonics system. Digraphs, where two letters are combined to

make a single sound, are introduced to the children. There is also a weekly

spelling test and children take home a book from Oxford Tree reading

programme. Expected reading level 4-7

English Programme

Cambridge stage 3: 8+ years

In year 4, children are encouraged to develop independent thinking and

learning. Reading material includes traditional tales and nonfiction texts. They are encouraged to write narratives in clear sequence and describe characters, settings and plot. Spellings, grammar and punctuation continue to be an important part of the learning programme. They begin to read children’s books

from our extensive library.

English Programme

Cambridge stage 6 : 11+ years

Children should be able to write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure.

English Programme

Maths Programme

Level 1 : 5-6 years

Your child will learn to count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, 10s and

20s. They will also learn to double and half numbers. Children will learn to

measure, tell the time and name common shapes.

Level 4: 8-9 years

In Level 4, your child will be learning to add and subtract numbers with up

to four digits using column addition and subtraction. your child should

know the times tables up to ten. They will solve problems involving

fractions and be introduced to decimals. They will need to find the

perimeter and area of shapes, convert between units of measurement

and convert between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock. Children will do

further work on angles and co-ordinates. They will also need to interpret and present data in bar charts and line graphs.

Level 2 : 6-7 years

Level 2 focuses on the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, and they will learn

multiplication and division facts for these tables. Children in Year 2 will

also learn to add and subtract with two-digit and one-digit numbers. In

fractions, they will find ⅓, ¼, ½, and ¾ of a shape or a quantity of objects.

Level 5: 9-10 years

In Level 5, your child will be expected to add and subtract with confidence. They

will learn to multiply two‐digit numbers and divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one‐digit number. They should also be able to see how maths fits into everyday life, and other areas of study. They will be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. They will need to calculate the area and perimeter of different shapes. They will need to solve measurement problems that involve converting between units of measurement. They will learn to draw and measure angles and also calculate the size of missing angles. They will need to interpret information in line graphs and tables.

Level 3 : 7-8 years

In Level 3, your child will continue to develop their understanding of

numbers and start to calculate using formal written methods. They will

start adding and subtracting with three-digit numbers, using column

addition and subtraction. They will learn a lot more about fractions,

including tenths. They will find perimeters of 2D shapes, use the 24-hour clock, recognise angles, and start to use bar charts. They will learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. This will then help them in moving onto multiplying a

two-digit number by a one-digit number.

Level 6: 10-11years

In Level 6, your child will learn to multiply four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long multiplication and divide four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long division. They will learn about square, prime and negative numbers. They will be multiplying and dividing with numbers up to four digits, using formal, efficient methods. They will be doing more complicated work with fractions, decimals and percentages. Children will also start to learn about ratio and proportion and will be introduced to algebra. They will need to measure the perimeter, area and volume of different shapes, plus convert between units of measurement. Coordinates in all four quadrants are introduced in Year 6, as is the interpretation and construction of pie charts.

Contact us


Sperrstrasse 104a
4057 Basel

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